Aid to individuals:
Individuals applying can write to us on WhatsApp or email or fill the form on this site, and send us the following documents:
A brief description of the applicant's requirements. (Like, "I need money for cancer treatment.")
A copy of the applicant's Aadhaar card (front and back)
Hospital Estimate Sheet or School Fee List or other documents showing the estimated cost.
We will send you a form on WhatsApp.
You can print the form, fill it and sign it.
Send us the filled form and the following documents via WhatsApp:
For ALL Applicants:
Ration Card
Income Certificate
Passport Size Photograph
Hospital Bank Details & Email Address/WhatsApp number for communication.
If applying for Dialysis or Medicines:
Medical Prescription
Dialysis Bill
Blood Test Bill
If applying for School Fees: -
School Fee List
Mark List
If applying for Hospitalization:
A letter from the hospital's social worker
The Next Step:
We will give you a Meeting Date.
On the meeting date, we will phone you if we have any questions.
After the meeting, we will inform you of our decision, which may be:
- Immediate Grant
- Grant Letter
- Denial.
If you are given a direct grant the amount will be sent directly to the hospital/school.
If you’re not given a direct grant, you will be given a grant letter.
- The Grant Letter must be used within 3 months.
- After 3 months you may request to extend it.
- When you are ready to be admitted to the hospital you must inform us with the following
Proof of Hospital Admission Date
Documents that show how you will meet the cost.
- We will then decide the amount to be sent directly to the hospital or school.
- This amount could be less than the original grant.